The purpose of this timely article is to educate and to stress the critical and urgent need to protect against a terrible virus known as FA. There is no known immunization or antidote once the infection has taken root. Once infected, the virus spreads rapidly to affect brain function, culminating in irreversible brain damage, save a few isolated cases.
This has been a major coup for those whose primary goal has been dumbing down the masses. Nearly everyone now carries the virus. Like other virulent pathogens that have reached epidemic proportion, efforts to arrest the spread of infection have been largely unsuccessful. Prevention efforts, such as this one, have been too small in number to effect any significant change, but I’m hoping with this blog post, things might change. Most people who carry the virus don’t even know they have it, as the auditory-brain connection is severed. Epidemiologically, it is the worst virus known to humankind to date.
Replicating at speeds beyond comprehension, FA is like a thief in the night, entering silently and unannounced, replacing healthy cells with a “cell-double.” Looking and acting like its predecessor cells, this cell double is virtually undetectable by modern medicine or microscopy. It takes up residence unnoticed, usurping and ultimately annihilating its former inhabitant: you.
It began over a decade ago as a fairly circumscribed virus, infecting only a small percentage of the population. The virus appears benign, subjecting its unsuspecting host to its toxin. Those who are newly infected exhibit the same symptoms with disturbing accuracy in a matter of months, thus spreading the disease to more immune-naïve individuals.
To perpetuate and grow the virus, however, took concerted and unified efforts on the part of businesses, corporations, governments, schools and other major players of society. Perhaps the most insidious and lethal disseminators of the virus have been, and continue to be, supermarkets and houses of worship. Ironically, the very places people feel safe are those where 100% infection is almost guaranteed. Their collective efforts have paid off: FA is has reached global proportions and to date there is no known treatment or cure.
“Have a nice day!” she said as I finished my transaction at the supermarket. No sooner did I pick up my bag when I heard, “Would you like some help out with your bags?” Earlier, someone said, “Are you finding everything you need?” At first, it sounded almost sincere. But now, I have heard those very same phrases over a hundred times, without alteration. It could be the cable or the phone company: “I’m sorry to hear you are having problems. Please know we are making every effort to resolve your issue.” You will be hard pressed to find any business or venue that is infection-free.
There are few places left that are safe. But I am well and sane enough to tell you this: there is still time to save yourself from this devastating disease that literally eats your brain alive! This is no joke!!!
Please, I caution you, take every safeguard to protect yourself. Signs and symptoms of those infected with the virus include unconsciously repeating rote phrases and responses the most common of which is “Have a nice day,” usually accompanied by a feigned smile. If you have been exposed, cover your ears immediately and leave the premises. There is no guarantee that airborne droplets have not entered your auditory canal and are enroute to the brain. Isolating yourself it is your best defense. Remaining aware that you are a separate and distinct entity can boost your immune system to ward off the disease.
If someone demands that you repeat certain phrases as part of your job, quit then and there and seek refuge. These people have reached the final stages of the illness. REMEMBER: there are no known treatments or interventions that have proven useful at this point.
Recognizing the symptoms of this devastating disease will save not only your life but also your rational mind. Ultimately, the future of our species is at stake. It’s up to you. Guard against FA. Spread the real word.